Saturday 6 September 2014

Why Is The U.S. Government Ignoring The Documents And Intel Retrieved In The Bin Laden Raid?

President Obama and his national security team in the White House Situation Room. Pete Souza/White House

Al Qaeda Wasn't 'On The Run' -- Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard

Why haven't we seen the documents retrieved in the bin Laden raid?

In the early morning hours of May 2, 2011, an elite team of 25 American military and intelligence professionals landed inside the walls of a compound just outside the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. CIA analysts had painstakingly tracked a courier to the compound and spent months monitoring the activity inside the walls. They'd concluded, with varying levels of confidence, that the expansive white building at the center of the lot was the hideout of Osama bin Laden.

They were correct. And minutes after the team landed, the search for bin Laden ended with a shot to his head.

The primary objective of Operation Neptune Spear was to capture or kill the leader of al Qaeda. But a handful of those on the ground that night were part of a "Sensitive Site Exploitation" team that had a secondary mission: to gather as much intelligence from the compound as they could.

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 Chapter Four
Tanko did not share the milk in two halves, instead he ignored Bawa and made sure the four of them had a portion. This annoyed Bawa but pleased Garba who was grateful to have tasted the master's milk. It was sweet and very tasty. The following day, the boys learnt how to count. A black teacher who spoke English and called himself Mr. Felix taught. He explained it in Hausa as he taught in English. Garba liked it and he understood what Mr. Felix taught. He was very happy. "Tomorrow, you will learn how to write all what I've been teaching you. You will write one to ten," he said as he closed for the day. "I like Mr. Felix," Garba said later when he met Sule and Tanko. Bawa was avoiding them because of what happened the previous day. "Yes," said Sule. "He's a kind man. He's not like Mr. Jacobs or all these other teachers who speak through their nostrils." "Where is Bawa?" Garba asked Tanko. "The greedy boy says he's not interested in being friends with us again," Tanko said. "I guess it's because of what happened yesterday," Garba said. TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW....PLEASE VISIT OUR BLOG AGAIN TOMORROW FOR A CONTINUATION OF THIS AMAZING STORY!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

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