Sunday 24 August 2014


From: Xantaplus Temitayo

Most times when people mention heartbreak, the gender that comes to mind is the female but the truth is that even males suffer heartbreak as well.

Recovering from heartbreak is not a sudden action, it is a process. Sometimes a difficult process.

What to do when your partner suddenly gives you the boot? Please read after the cut.

1. Cut all connections
Do not give in to the urge to stay friends with your ex. Maintaining contacts with the person has a way of bringing back old memories that are best forgotten and tempting you to call. Calling would make you appear too needy of the person.

2. Grieve, please
It is always difficult to get over someone you have been involved with for a long time, so, a little grieving is allowed. Grieving is human and would not be out of place but be careful not to overdo it. Let go of all the hurt and emotions while you grieve.

3. Sleep
When you feel like your eyes are heavy from crying and your head is filled with all the thoughts that you would never let go, having a rest or sleeping could be an avenue to ease the pain. Sleep gives you a break from the happenings and refreshes you by the time you are awake.

4. Forgive
Forgive your ex, even when the break up was not your fault. Forgiveness has a way of freeing your mind and giving you the peace you desire to move on. While it may be easy to forgive, it is difficult to forget. Forgiveness does not mean running back to your ex.

5. Take a break
Taking a break from romantic relationships after a break up gives you the time to take an inventory of what went wrong (or right) in the previous relationship, rediscover yourself and to know what you want in the next relationship.

6. Get a grip
Brooding over a failed relationship does not mean losing oneself. Get a grip on yourself and engage in meaningful activities to take your mind off the worry.

7. Go out
Staying at home all day has a way of causing a relapse after you must have got a hold of yourself. Never brood at home all day. Sometimes, seeing a movie, attending a music concert, or taking yourself out has a way of rejuvenating the mind..

8. Reconnect
Your old and true friends would always be there for you and willing to help during the trying times. Reconnect with them.

9. Listen to music
Music has a way of lifting the spirits and giving inspirations. But be careful not to listen to music that portrays your former status. While listening to music, dance also helps.

10. Exercise
Exercise could be a form of distraction from heartbreak. Hit the gym and engage in exercise when you feel down. It is also a good place to meet new people. You would be surprised at how you forget your worries. Open up

Being jilted in a relationship does not guarantee closing up your heart and mind on relationships. Maintain an open mind and be open to try out new options, but with discretion.

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